Archive by Author

Tim Wise: Race

24 Oct

Tim Wise is a very engaging speaker, when he gets on a roll you can feel and hear the passion that he feels about the subject. The facts that he used to identify the problems in the American culture were shocking, which is good, they are facts I won’t forget.

What surprised me the most was his discussion of New York stop and frisk law. The two-tenths or two-tents of a half of a percent, I don’t remember the exact number, of minorities that actually had weapons on them is a number so low I cannot fathom how the government sees this as actually working. That does prove a privilege that white people have that I haven’t thought about much, the lack of suspicion when involved or near crimes.

I don’t necessarily disagree with what Tim Wise says, he makes very good points, but I’m not sure if there is much that can be done besides just wait in some cases. He complained about networking being the most difficult thing that was causing an inadvertent racism in the job market. Companies were still segregated not that long ago, and the bosses is many companies still are from that era, our generation is just filtering in. Yes, I understand minorities might not know bill in accounting, but I find it hard to believe that in a few years, Bill won’t be a minority.

Tim Wise’s discussion pertains directly to class, we’ve discussed the war on drugs and how it is really a war on race, white privilege, the lack of minorities in television, hegemony and a ton of other topics that show how minorities are portrayed and treated.

Tim talked about his black friends, and many of us say that, oh we have a Black (Asian, Indian, Latino} friend, so we can’t be racist. This part of his discussion is the part that really made me think, even if we identify with the minority we can’t really understand the world through their eyes. So, I’m wondering is there a way to truly understand and live in a way so that the white privilege doesn’t exist?

Glee: Asian F

2 Oct



In this episode of Glee the club is training for sectionals while choir director Will is living with his girlfriend Emma.  Tryouts for the musical West Side Story are happening as well as senior class president elections.




While I feel Glee usually has a good selection of different characters based on their race, gender identity, and class levels, this episode focuses mainly on the Asian characters.


Mike Chang receives what is said to be an “Asian F,” which is an A-, in chemistry.  Reinforcing the stereotypical genius Asian. What is more clichéd is that his father arranges a meeting with the principle to discuss this “Asian F.” Mike being upset in disappointing his father, as a typical Asian student should, says “I’m so sorry for disappointing you”


In the meeting with the principal we hear about Mikes other qualities, he is on the football team, a member of the glee club, can dance, a straight A student and has an Asian girl friend, Tina. But his father doesn’t care about anything that won’t get his son into Harvard. Even quoting his own mothers only three English sentences that she knew, “coke-a-cola”, “kiss my grits” and “Harvard University,” to reinforce the importance of Mike going to an Ivy League school.


When Mike is late for the musical audition one person remarks “That kid is never late, he runs like an expensive Swiss watch we produce cheaply in China.” Not only suggesting the promptness and rigidness of the Asian culture but making a comment on working conditions in China.


Glee does help Mike break away from the typical Asian stereotype by constantly showing him off as athletic and toned. In many instances we see him in his football gear, or showing off his abs and dancing extremely well.  And in the next episode Mike discusses with his father the importance of following is non academia related dreams. I like that this allows Mikes heritage not to completely define what he will become..


A side factor that I notices while watching this particular episode of Glee was the relationships were never interracial. Mike and Tina are both Asian, Mercedes and Shane are both black, and Rachel and Finn are both white.Image

Sexuality, Masculinity and Femininity

11 Sep

I just began catching up with The Carrie Diaries on Netflix before the series premiere in October. The series is the prequel to Sex and the City, following a young Carrie Bradshaw through her life and love life in high school and internships in New York City. The fourth episode Fright Night focuses on Carrie and her friend Walt’s journey into the city for a Halloween party, and to escape interactions with their ex’s.

Sexuality and gender are played up in the series, and especially in this episode. It explores in specifically the new experiences that Carrie and Walt find in the city. It explores the possibility of homosexuality for Carrie’s friend Walt. He is portrayed earlier in the series as a fairly masculine guy, based on his long-term girlfriend. The style and topics of conversation that Walt enjoys are not entirely “masculine”, such as fashion and romance.

Bennett a flamboyantly gay character in the series is the one to pull the possibility out in Walt. This episode ends with Walt questioning who he is, as a person and how he allows people to see him.

Where as Carrie is seen as the typical feminine girl, believing in love and romance, being extremely naive about the world and focusing on her looks, hair and clothes to impress the people around her. nnett a flamboyantly gay character in the series is the one to pull the possibility out in Walt. This episode ends with Walt questioning who he is, as a person and how he allows people to see him.

Society has made masculinity, feminist and your sexuality seem to fit into small, perfect, little boxes. The show explores how these ideas confuse people in the younger generations, especially when they feel the desire to fit in with not only their peers but of people of different ages and social groups.